Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Every year in the U.S. over 50 billion plastic bottles are used and this equals to about 1,500 bottles being purchased per second in one year. (Tucker, 2015) This described how our today’s society uses as much of plastics as we want without valuing them. 

Boyan Slat, a 19 years old boy who claims his design invention can help clean up the plastics in the seas in just five years. His design initiative is called ‘ocean cleanup’, it aims to collect the floating plastic in the ocean but allowing life animals to pass through unharmed, and these plastic waste materials can be recycled. Slat is an engineering student who always thought about plastic waste, his idea came up to hime at the age of 16 in the summer of 2011, when he was in Greece, he said “I saw more plastic bags than fish,” on 26 March 2013, Slat’s TedX talk went crazy on the net, he says, “Suddenly we got hundred of thousands of people clicking on our site everyday. I received about 1,500 email per day from people volunteering to help.” He set up a funding platform which made $80,000 in 15 days. With these money and volunteers, they made the ‘ocean cleanup’. 

< http://www.futureearth.com.au/ocean-cleanup/ > viewed 15 May 2016, Future Earth
< http://3tags.org/article/20-years-old-student-develops-an-ocean-cleanup-machine-that-could-clean-the-oceans-in-5-years >
viewed 15 May 2016, Abe, Futurology, Nov 2015

The ‘ocean cleanup’ is an anchored network of floating booms and processing platforms will span the radius of a gyre. The booms performs as a funnel where the angle of the booms can suck rubbish in. The debris enters the platforms where it will be take out the water and eventually stored in containers until collected for recycling on land. The advantage of using booms instead of nets is because with nets, marine life will be caught and may be harmed.

At the same time solving an environmental problem, Slat stated with his invention he could make up to $500 million a year from recycling the collected plastic wastes. 

< http://www.design-vagabond.com/search?updated-max=2012-09-03T08:00:00-04:00 > 
viewed on 15 May 2016, posted by KAT, August 2012, Frame

This piece of art installation is made by a Japanese artist Yasuaki Onishi and is exhibited in Rice University Art Gallery, he used the most simple materials: plastic sheeting and black hot glue. He used these two materials to create this marvellous piece and it appears to float in the space. He named this artwork "Casting the invisible", stating the plastic is invisible as its colour is transparent, with his installation, he used recycled plastic sheeting to prevent environmental issues. 

< http://www.benwustudio.com/graft/n4mqrmt2tngsj53sig4gcf599r3ua9 >
viewed 15 May 2016, Benwustudio, Graft, 2016

An interested design called 'Graft' is made by Benwu Studio, they are located in Shanhai, Beijing and New York. Graft is a definition of a shoot or twig inserted into a slit on the trunk or stem of a living plant, from which it receives sap. 

The idea behind this design is being environmental friendly, these recyclable tablewares are made out of bioplastic, the main sources materials is the plants. For example, a celery stem can serve as the handle for a spoon, a petal of artichoke can then becomes the bowl of spoon. The texture and form in nature autonomously exist with a function. This kind of design is easy to make and very appealing, people normally don't easily throw away useful and pretty objects. By this, Benwu Studio made it into a successful design. 

  • < http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2415889/Boyan-Slat-19-claims-invention-clean-worlds-oceans-just-years.html > Viewed 13 May 2016, Sarah Griffiths, 9 September 2013, Could a teenager save the world's oceans? Student, 19, claims his invention could clean up the seas in just five years. 
  • < http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-29631332 > viewed 13 May 2016, Vibeke Venema, 17 Oct 2014, The Dutch boy mopping up a sea of plastic 

  • < http://www.design-vagabond.com/search?updated-max=2012-09-03T08:00:00-04:00 > viewed 14 May 2016, Kat, Frame, Designvagabond
  • < http://flavorwire.com/293958/yasuaki-onishis-gorgeous-casting-of-invisible-mountains > viewed 14 May 2016, Emily Temple
  • < http://www.benwustudio.com/graft/ry96qm9nm5sdlc8tzwb2ii3a8u11nv > viewed 14 May 2016, Benwu Studio

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